Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lyin' Teds Big Week???

By: Pete Peters

Ted Cruz lost every primary last Tuesday with Donald Trump winning 5 out of 6 Primaries and The delusional John Kasich winning his HOME State Ohio. Yet, CNN writes an article today saying Ted's Big Week? What do you call a big week? Having Mitt Romney Endorse you when he endorsed John Kasich a week ago? The man lost to Obama, Hello?????  And you really can't win on your own, you have to get Mitt Romney make robocalls for you? What does that really say to you?  Additionally, no one listens to Robocalls, every time I pick up my phone and hear that crap, I hang up the phone. It's ridiculous and a waste of money. 

Now, just reviewing the polls, and Trump leads the polls in AZ, NY, NJ, PA, CA, WI AND MD. With Ted Cruz having a big lead in Utah. So let's be presumptuous here and say the polls hold true and Trump wins the next 7 of the 8 Primaries and he wins 527 delegates to already go along with his  680 the math is simple that would be 1207 to Cruz' 424 plus the 40 for Utah. That would be 1,207 to 464 and we are even talking about this right now? 

The remaining States that Trump could win would be Connecticut with 28 delegates. And that would put Trump with enough delegates to win the nomination outright. So, basically no wonder why, The GOP is in a panic. 

And this is a big week for Ted Cruz, so before I have to hear it again let me say it for everyone. Ted Cruz has beat Donald Trump not once, not twice, not three times bit a resounding 10 times (after Utah ). BUT Donald Trump will at the point of the primaries say,  "I already have beaten you a resounding 29 times." 

It's unreal how this guy has lost to Donald Trump almost a third of the time and yet he still acts like he can win and has to have Mitt Romney (like wow he lost) as an endorsement. Very insulting to the American Puppets I means people.  

This LePew Review Says Ted Cruz Stinks

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