Dear Mitt,
I find it extremely offensive that you will be speaking out today, revolting against Donald Trump! That you will be calling him a fraud and a phony. Very interesting on several levels and I feel that what you are doing is wrong and it goes against what America stands for. It is also insulting to American people.
Seems Like Mitt was Happy Getting Donald Trumps
Endorsement and Money back in 2012 |
First I would like to say this. I voted for you in 2012... not because I liked you, but because you were the Republican Nominee and I was loyal to that and so I voted for you. You also, didn't have any problem accepting Donald Trumps support back in 2012, when you were all smiles that day. Now you want to stab someone in the back that supported you and contributed to your campaign. No wonder why you were not elected and lost to, my goodness of all people, Barack Obama. And you wonder why.
This country is supposed to be built on loyalty, something you obviously don't know about. We are not supposed to be a Country of backstabbers. Yet that is what you are doing right now. Furthermore, I feel that Donald Trump is the Peoples Choice. It is our choice and our voice. And you, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and any of the other GOP Establishment, who wants to scare people into not voting for a man who is self funding his campaign and cares about making this country great again, is insulting to American people.
I am sure, that most Americans, like to be told who to vote for, like to be fed information, through sound bites instead of making up their own mind. And People have been programed by media. However, WE THE PEOPLE are tired of the way things have been. If WE THE PEOPLE, decide that it is Donald Trump who we want for our nominee and eventual President then that is OUR choice. Not yours, Not Marco Rubio, Not Ted Cruz, Not The Establishment, it is OUR Choice.
So, let me just say why I like Donald Trump more every day. Because he has taken attack, after attack after attack. And he remains steadfast and unshakeable. He doesn't change and that is what I want from a President and what I respect out of any man. Not some little crybaby like Marco Rubio, who his whole personality changes and decides he wants to get into stand up comedy. That is definitely not Presidential. Same goes for Cruz, he feels the desperation and the heat and decides to start making speculative accusations.
No one is perfect, there was only one sinless human being that walked this earth and his name was Jesus. All of you have skeletons in your closet. I don't care what happened 20 years ago, 10 years ago or 5 years ago. What matters is right here and now. What I see is a candidate on the other side named Hilary Clinton and she stands for everything Obama is doing and to me, another 4 or 8 more years of that is the nightmare for most Americans.
Now, what you and the Republican Establishment seem to forget is, it is the UNITED STATES people, the same people who made this country what it is, that has the voice of what we want. The problem is, you all never thought Donald was a serious contender and now that he is, THE ESTABLISHMENT has hit the panic button and NOW, you want to use propaganda and attacks to dissuade people from supporting him in favor of one of THE PUPPETS.
Lastly, where have you been since your defeat? No one has even heard from you, and now we have to take your word as the Gospel, because why? Because you are the authority? You lost! You not only lost, you got cremated.... it was an embarrassing loss. Do you mean to tell me that you really couldn't beat Barrack Obama?
I was absolutely appalled, that the best The Republican Party could do in 2008 was John McCain and Sarah Palin. (I like Sarah Palin but not as a Vice President) It was like handing the election over to Barrack Obama.
So, here is my solution for the Republican Party..... stop trying to tell THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who they should support, I think we all made it clear in the first 15 States that two-thirds of America wants Donald Trump. In addition, maybe in the future find better and stronger candidates then the talent pool you have put in front of American People for the last 8 years.
Lastly, I would like to say that in the last debate there was 30 million viewers compared to the 2 Million Viewers you got, in the same debate 4 years ago. There have been record turnouts at the voting booths, more people are for the first time since Reagan are taking an interest in the real issues of this country. Trump has rocked the boat and that provokes thought... and that is supposed to be what our Country is based on.
So, What I think the more you and the establishment attack Mr Trump instead of supporting him, his power will grow. It's like telling your daughter that you refuse for her to see the boyfriend you can't stand. And the more you try and force her, the more she is going to revolt. WE THE PEOPLE don't like being told what to do! WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A FREE COUNTRY.
Let us make up our own mind!
And here is an after thought. Think of all the millions of dollars you are spending on attack ads on Mr. Trump. I wonder what all those Millions of Dollars could do for the American Economy or help people with down payments for homes to move into. See that is the Hypocrisy of what you are doing. We are supposed to be a free country, not a communist country and that is what you are trying to do. Dictate to us who we should support! IT's Wrong MITT!
Pete Peters,
This Review says, Mitt Romney, The Republican Establishment STINK