Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Lyin' Teds Big Week???

By: Pete Peters

Ted Cruz lost every primary last Tuesday with Donald Trump winning 5 out of 6 Primaries and The delusional John Kasich winning his HOME State Ohio. Yet, CNN writes an article today saying Ted's Big Week? What do you call a big week? Having Mitt Romney Endorse you when he endorsed John Kasich a week ago? The man lost to Obama, Hello?????  And you really can't win on your own, you have to get Mitt Romney make robocalls for you? What does that really say to you?  Additionally, no one listens to Robocalls, every time I pick up my phone and hear that crap, I hang up the phone. It's ridiculous and a waste of money. 

Now, just reviewing the polls, and Trump leads the polls in AZ, NY, NJ, PA, CA, WI AND MD. With Ted Cruz having a big lead in Utah. So let's be presumptuous here and say the polls hold true and Trump wins the next 7 of the 8 Primaries and he wins 527 delegates to already go along with his  680 the math is simple that would be 1207 to Cruz' 424 plus the 40 for Utah. That would be 1,207 to 464 and we are even talking about this right now? 

The remaining States that Trump could win would be Connecticut with 28 delegates. And that would put Trump with enough delegates to win the nomination outright. So, basically no wonder why, The GOP is in a panic. 

And this is a big week for Ted Cruz, so before I have to hear it again let me say it for everyone. Ted Cruz has beat Donald Trump not once, not twice, not three times bit a resounding 10 times (after Utah ). BUT Donald Trump will at the point of the primaries say,  "I already have beaten you a resounding 29 times." 

It's unreal how this guy has lost to Donald Trump almost a third of the time and yet he still acts like he can win and has to have Mitt Romney (like wow he lost) as an endorsement. Very insulting to the American Puppets I means people.  

This LePew Review Says Ted Cruz Stinks

Monday, March 7, 2016

Hulk and Bubba Two of Florida's Biggest Losers

By Pete Peters,

Bubba and Hulk two absolute morons. Money can't bring
anyone class, respect or dignity.  
Over the years, I have been aware of both Bubba The Love Sponge (Todd Clem)  and Hulk Hogan (Terry Bolea).  I have never been a fan of Bubba, I always thought he was a wanna be Howard Stern and someone who just thought way too much of himself, besides being extremely disrespectful to people in general.  However, he continued to succeed, because after all, radio is radio and people love to hear what might or might not come out of someone's mouth next.  The whole shock jock age.   Hulk, as we all know since the early 80's with the release of Rocky III catapulted Hulk Hogan into super stardom.  Not to mention the addition to Mr. T into the WWF (Now the WWE)  Only put him on the world stage that made him a phenomena.  I remember when I would spend time in my Florida home in The Tampa Area, that people would always brag about Clearwater being Hulks Hometown. Or people would say how they saw Hulk at the gym or this or that.  He was a big time celebrity, but more so, some one who the people of the Tampa Bay Area really rallied around and looked up to.  I guess if someone like Hulk, could be such a icon, then why couldn't they. It's like routing for your favorite brother to make it big in the world of sports.  It's human nature.  However, over the years as I got to know both of these people a little more personally, I discovered that these two guys are about as low as they come.

     First of all, Bubba had a failed Restaurant in Clearwater on US19 and it didn't last very long.  But, I had business with Clear Channel Radio and would run into him often.  He is a phony... he acts like he is your best friend, and then talks behind your back.  I have seen him do it to many people.  His typical, "Hey Brother, Thanks a lot you're the best man"  And then turn to one of the 5 or 6 guys that hung around him and say, hahaha that guy is an idiot.  Yeah that is the kind of guy Bubba is.  Not to mention, he always and I mean always got off on being friends with some of the Bucs Players and then bragging to everyone.  But his man crush was definitely Hulk Hogan.   Bubba was always a really overweight guy.  Especially when he was younger in the early to mid 90's.  He then started to work out and he found a work out partner.  None other then Hulk Hogan.... His whole day was consumed by telling people, I just worked out with Hulk.  They obviously became friends, but Bubba had this uncontrollable desire to be Hulks Best Buddy in the whole world.   Even to the point, where he let's his own wife have sex with him.  I am sorry but that is sick.  What is even sicker is his so called friend is recording the sex on his security camera in his room.  So, really who is the idiot here.

      Hulk certainly didn't sound too intelligent talking to his wife, talking about having gas and how much he just ate.  I mean just stupid.  Not to mention, he's cheating on his wife!  HELLOOOOOOO! Then Hulk has the nerve to go on Twitter today and say, Gawker is trying to humiliate him.  Really Hulk?  You haven't humiliated yourself enough as it is?

     You have a beautifully talented daughter that seems to be a sweet young lady, and then a son who unfortunately, ended up in a horrible car accident, that left his friend as a vegetable.  That is an unfortunate situation, which I will not delve into, except to say... Hulk's behavior while visiting his son in Jail and talking about getting his son a reality show, was pretty pathetic.  Along with a reputation for having a massive coke addiction, and a love for Crown Royal.  He is not the great guy he pretends to be.

    He was let go by the WWE for making racist comments and to me,  every time, I go to Clearwater Beach and see his Hulk Hogan Memorabilia shop, it makes me want to barf.  I just have no respect for this guy.

     He made a fortune in wrestling, made a fortune in endorsements and TV and movies.  Let me tell you Hogan does not know best.  He embarrassed himself and his family.  How do you walk into a friends house, and that same friend says "He bro.. my wife in the bedroom, help yourself?"  Really?

     I expect that kind of garbage from Bubba, because that is just the kind of guy he is. Like he gets off on some sick idea, that "I share my wife with the Hulkster"  But, Hulk not only disrespected his friend, his friends wife, but his own wife and family.  Look we all have our issues, and we all have our faults.  But, you are going to get upset because you got caught doing something so wrong on so many levels?

     You shouldn't have done if Hulk, but your ego is out of control.  How about?  "Hey Bubba, what's up man?" ...... "Oh not much man, just working on tomorrow's show..... why don't you go in and take care of my wife, she is laying in bed for you"...... "Well, that's awfully nice of you Bubba, but you know, I respect you and your wife too much as a friend, to do something that would affect our relationship.  But, I have a better idea.... I need to go home to my wife and take my vitamins"

The Flesh was weak, the ego was even weaker and you screwed up!  But, don't cry now when you did what you did.  Your kids did not ask for that and neither did your wife.  It wasn't cool BRO!  So, deal with it and a great way to deal with it, is to make amends to your family first, and then your community.  But to see you say you were humiliated?  You deserve to be humiliated.  And as far as I am concerned... you expect that kind of crap out of Bubba, but not you! The erosion and decline of American Heroes.

This LePew Review Says it STINKS

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Trump Wins Tonights Fox News Debate

By Pete Peters

     In my opinion, especially after the latest attack from The Pathetic Mitt Romney... I was totally prepared for an all out firework display tonight.  I knew that this debate would be heated.  I also felt like this debate will be the highest rated debate ever.

     I feel that Donald Trump continues to be under fire, continues to be attacked and continues to remain unshakable.  For that reason and that reason alone he won the debate tonight.

     Surprise, Surprise John Kasich showed up!  He delivered a very solid performance.  Well informed, had great things to say without getting nasty or negative towards other candidates and it was a job well done!

     A Distant 3rd would be Ted Cruz.  Why is this guy so difficult to like?  He is just not a likable guy.  He keeps attacking Trump and regurgitating the same things, that has been non issues for most people.  Quite Frankly, it's getting old.  The only difference between Cruz and Rubio, is Rubio acts like he is still in high school.  

     Last place for the evening was Marco Rubio, he has done himself no favors.  He smiles and laughs like a freshman in college.  He is not Presidential, His whole personality has changed since he got desperate.  He is losing support from a lot of people since he decided to become a comedian.  It's interesting, a month ago, I actually liked Marco.  I didn't think he would win the nomination, but I thought he might be a possible running mate.  But, now..... I have just totally soured towards him.  The amount of money he has spent on senseless negative ads, (that I don't even look at) is completely ridiculous and a waste of money.  I still don't know after all this time watching the debates, what he has done that is so great that would make me think he would be a great President.  He goes around trying to scare people to not vote for Trump and it has completely backfired.  His only line is The Party of Lincoln and Reagan.... you have to do better then that Marco.  Because from tonight on, I am sure your numbers will continue decline and I doubt you will win another state, even Florida. And what's up with the fist bump at the end of the debate?  Weird....

    I wonder how many more attacks will come out, but the more attacks that come out, the more passionate Trump supporters become.  The American People are speaking, and they want and I want Donald Trump.

Now, Across the post debate polls, Trump wins by a big amount and only mirrors, my sentiments from the evening.  Here we go with some of the links.

Who won Thursday night's GOP debate in Detroit?; I voted Donald Trump, http://www.kmtv.com/news/national/democracy-2016/poll-who-won-tonights-gop-debate #poll via @opinionstage

And this was from an anti-trump poll

Who do you think won the Fox News Republican Debate tonight? http://therightscoop.com/debate-poll-who-do-you-think-won-the-fox-news-republican-debate-tonight/

Poll: Who won the Republican Presidential debate? http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2016/03/poll_who_won_the_republican_presidential_debate_03.html

This Review Did not Stink.......

Notice to Mitt Romney

Dear Mitt,
       I find it extremely offensive that you will be speaking out today, revolting against Donald Trump!  That you will be calling him a fraud and a phony.  Very interesting on several levels and I feel that what you are doing is wrong and it goes against what America stands for.  It is also insulting to American people.

Seems Like Mitt was Happy Getting Donald Trumps
Endorsement and Money back in 2012
  First I would like to say this.  I voted for you in 2012... not because I liked you, but because you were the Republican Nominee and I was loyal to that and so I voted for you.  You also, didn't have any problem accepting Donald Trumps support back in 2012, when you were all smiles that day.  Now you want to stab someone in the back that supported you and contributed to your campaign.  No wonder why you were not elected and lost to, my goodness of all people, Barack Obama.  And you wonder why.

   This country is supposed to be built on loyalty, something you obviously don't know about.  We are not supposed to be a Country of backstabbers.  Yet that is what you are doing right now.  Furthermore, I feel that Donald Trump is the Peoples Choice.  It is our choice and our voice.  And you, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and any of the other GOP Establishment, who wants to scare people into not voting for a man who is self funding his campaign and cares about making this country great again, is insulting to American people.

     I am sure, that most Americans, like to be told who to vote for, like to be fed information, through sound bites instead of making up their own mind.  And People have been programed by media.  However, WE THE PEOPLE are tired of the way things have been.  If WE THE PEOPLE, decide that it is Donald Trump who we want for our nominee and eventual President then that is OUR choice.  Not yours, Not Marco Rubio, Not Ted Cruz, Not The Establishment, it is OUR Choice.

     So, let me just say why I like Donald Trump more every day.  Because he has taken attack, after attack after attack.  And he remains steadfast and unshakeable.   He doesn't change and that is what I want from a President and what I respect out of any man.  Not some little crybaby like Marco Rubio, who his whole personality changes and decides he wants to get into stand up comedy.  That is definitely not Presidential.  Same goes for Cruz, he feels the desperation and the heat and decides to start making speculative accusations.

     No one is perfect, there was only one sinless human being that walked this earth and his name was Jesus.  All of you have skeletons in your closet.  I don't care what happened 20 years ago, 10 years ago or 5 years ago.  What matters is right here and now.  What I see is a candidate on the other side named Hilary Clinton and she stands for everything Obama is doing and to me, another 4 or 8 more years of that is the nightmare for most Americans.

    Now, what you and the Republican Establishment seem to forget is, it is the UNITED STATES people, the same people who made this country what it is, that has the voice of what we want.  The problem is, you all never thought Donald was a serious contender and now that he is, THE ESTABLISHMENT has hit the panic button and NOW, you want to use propaganda and attacks to dissuade people from supporting him in favor of one of THE PUPPETS.

    Lastly, where have you been since your defeat? No one has even heard from you, and now we have to take your word as the Gospel, because why?  Because you are the authority?  You lost!  You not only lost, you got cremated.... it was an embarrassing loss.  Do you mean to tell me that you really couldn't beat Barrack Obama?

    I was absolutely appalled, that the best The Republican Party could do in 2008 was John McCain and Sarah Palin.  (I like Sarah Palin but not as a Vice President)  It was like handing the election over to Barrack Obama.  

    So, here is my solution for the Republican Party..... stop trying to tell THE AMERICAN PEOPLE who they should support, I think we all made it clear in the first 15 States that two-thirds of America wants Donald Trump.   In addition, maybe in the future find better and stronger candidates then the talent pool you have put in front of American People for the last 8 years.   

     Lastly, I would like to say that in the last debate there was 30 million viewers compared to the 2 Million Viewers you got, in the same debate 4 years ago.  There have been record turnouts at the voting booths, more people are for the first time since Reagan are taking an interest in the real issues of this country.  Trump has rocked the boat and that provokes thought... and that is supposed to be what our Country is based on.

     So, What I think the more you and the establishment attack Mr Trump instead of supporting  him, his power will grow.  It's like telling your daughter that you refuse for her to see the boyfriend you can't stand.  And the more you try and force her, the more she is going to revolt.  WE THE PEOPLE don't like being told what to do!  WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A FREE COUNTRY.

    Let us make up our own mind!

And here is an after thought.  Think of all the millions of dollars you are spending on attack ads on Mr. Trump.  I wonder what all those Millions of Dollars could do for the American Economy or help people with down payments for homes to move into.  See that is the Hypocrisy of what you are doing.  We are supposed to be a free country, not a communist country and that is what you are trying to do.  Dictate to us who we should support!  IT's Wrong MITT!

Pete Peters,
This Review says, Mitt Romney, The Republican Establishment STINK